Hotel Management System

Hotel Management System Project

In ICS 212 of Fall 2023, as our final project/exam, students were tasked to create a hotel management system in teams of five and had to present our final product during finals week. As a team, we broke up the project into parts for each member to work on.

Our hotel management system needed to have six features:

  1. Manage rooms
  2. Check-in rooms
  3. Available rooms
  4. Search Customer
  5. Check-out rooms
  6. Guest Summary Report

Depending on what feature a user wants to use, they had to input one of the number options in order to use our application. For example, if a user wanted to check into a room, they would have to enter “2”.

Manage rooms

This feature allowed users to add, search, or delete rooms.

Check-in rooms

Users were allowed to check into a room using this feature. The user would also be prompted to enter the following:

Available rooms

Displayed available rooms in the hotel.

Search customer

Asks the user to enter a customer name. Depending whether there is a match a not, the application will display if there is a customer with said name is staying at the hotel or not. If they are staying at the hotel, it will display the room number.

Check-out rooms

Allows users to check-out from a room. The user will be asked to enter their room number and number of days they stayed. Additionally, the following details will be displayed for their check-out details:

##Guest Summary

Displays all customers currently staying at the hotel.